Whether you own or are starting
an appliance repair service, your success will likely depend on your ability
to market on the web.
The two most used strategies for this are
Lead Buying or
Organic Google Rankings.
Lead Buying
Buying leads from experts who write paid ads
for Google Adwords is how a lot of services start.
This often yields quick results, but can be expensive in the long term
since it will never go down in cost like organic ranking does.
Especially if you get into bidding wars with competitors.
Organic Google Rankings
Developing a great website and learning to rank it organically
through optimized content and backlinks is a second choice.
This is what we specialize in at Marketing Appliance Repairs.
We often find that increasing the speed of a site,
and thereby the user's experience,
it can result in a quick rise in rank.
This was the case with the American College Of Building Arts
Optimize Your Site For Keywords
Google chooses it's results by looking at many factors on your site
and one of the most important are keywords.
Google uses keywords in your site's content to decide
if it is a good match for a searchers question.
If your clients are searching for "appliance repair Tulsa"
and this phrase is not included in your site content.
You have no chance of showing up in Google's results.
Use Responsive, Mobile Friendly Design
This is critical to Google because it effects their core goals,
which is to deliver the most relevant results and to do so quickly.
Another reason is because 60% of all seaches happen on mobile devices.
If your site doesn't load quickly or display properly on phones and tablets,
chances are it won't rank well.
Get Quality Backlinks To Your Site
The quality and quantity of links pointing back to your site
are a key factor in ranking.
These days Google considers high quality links to be those
from related sites from your industry or closely related ones.
Being able to tell the difference between good and bad back links
is critical to success on Google.
Discover how to get the best backlinks for appliance repair.
There are tools online, free and paid,
that allow you to see where any website's links are coming from.
By looking at your competition's links,
you can gain some insight as to how solid their SEO is.
If you see a lot of spam links pointed at their site and they still rank well
it's a good sign that they can be beaten with a solid SEO strategy.
To assess how hard a market would be to break into,
you need to look at two factors.
These are how fast their site downloads
and how good their backlink profile is.
The first is to hire Pay Per Click companies who specialize in generating leads through bidding on Google Adwords.
This can be profitable although the cost in the long run can be astronomical.
We offer a range of services,
from Technical SEO to Backlink management,
to help in ranking your website
If you're tired of being at the bottom of the page,
or of spending constantly to buy leads,
give us a call now at
843 568 5936.