The Online Community For Appliance Repair Marketing.
Your Source For Ranking Your Appliance Repair Service

What are Google's Top 3 Ranking Factors?

Brett Singleton
Brett Singleton - Technical SEO Consultant

A recent study reveals that the top 3 organic listings on Google get almost 70% of all leads to be had in any category.

The statistics are as follows.

So let's get started. The most important skill any web marketer can have
is being able to tell good web design from bad in terms of Google Organic Search .

To clarify, I'm talking about search engine performance, not the looks of a site.

Understanding How Google Makes It's Choices.

Brett Singleton
A Multimeter For The Web

Have a good web site, is the advice all marketing sites give.
but none give specific directions on how to tell what good web design is.

Google's free Page Speed Insights tool let's you find out exactly what good and bad design is from Google's perspective.

You can use Page Speed Insights to ...

Using Google's Page Speed Insights Tool

To start, I'd like to demonstrate what's possible with the right web platform.

Below is a Screen Capture of the results for the page you're currently on.

Brett Singleton
Marketing Appliance Repairs results on Page Speed Insights

The Framework I use for my web pages is one of my success strategies.
You see, because my site is 100% on Technical SEO,
I get the maximum return for every other investment I make in marketing.
This is what keeps my appliance repair sites ranking in the top 3 results for dozens of keyword terms.

Now Discover Where Your Site Stands

Brett Singleton
Brett Singleton - SEO Consultant

Now take a minute and open Page Speed Insights!

I recommend you start by running your own site though it.

Then use it to assess your vendors,
your web designer and your SEO person.

You can also use it to assess keyword terms you'd like to target.
For example, search for "Appliance Repair Your Town" on Google,
then run the top 3 results though PSI.
You'll quickly be able to identify how hard it will be to rank for your keyword.

Again, this is important because if they don't have the skills to fix their own website, they certainly can't do it for yours!

OMG! What Do I Do About PSI Results!

We have solutions for any problems identified by Page Speed Insights

Our Marketing Appliance Repairs Online Course is for all you DIY folks
who'd like to learn to how to implement their own improvements,
and it's free for a limited time.

For those of you who get a headache just looking at all that technical stuff,
our consulting services are designed with you in mind.

For those of you just starting out,
we offer Appliance Repair Website plans
to launch your Appliance Repair Service quickly and effectively.

In conclusion, if you have questions not answered here
or would like to speak to us about launching your own website,
please give us a call at 843 568 5936
